Today is here. One of the key days I have worked towards for such a long time. Part of me is relieved. I can mark this particular accomplishment of building a new website off a very long and very big list of To-Do’s. But there is so much more to do to launch everything else.
For the past four and a half years, I’ve been on a profoundly life altering path. In May of 2013, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). Everything changed in that moment. My entire view of myself and where I was going imploded. I stepped into the shadow of utter uncertainty.
Although the most important intention at that point was to be treated for and beat cancer, in truth, no one knows how that’ll play out. But I put my faith in my doctors and learned to trust myself in this process and settled into each day with a genuine curiosity towards every new experience and how I was learning and evolving in this healing time. And recovery and healing takes time — a lot of time.
I made new friends, rekindled relationships with long-time friends, and got rid of people and things that no longer fit into my life. As I became physically and emotionally stronger I was able to reframe my view of myself and step into my power. This kind of engagement was invigorating and filled me with purpose and a deep desire to live each day as though it was my last.
These past few years have been incredible. Incredibly challenging and incredibly expansive. I made more art than ever, which says a lot because I’m pretty prolific in my art-making practice. The photos I was making during the worst part of cancer treatment and into recovery overtime grew into a book; my story of how I reframed life on the path through cancer… 10-Mile Radius.
There are more wonderful things to launch coming soon — namely my book! But also aspects from my book and beyond that can inspire, teach, and mostly be utilized to connect. 10-Mile Radius is most certainly broader than just 10-miles. Its reach is as wide as it needs to be with a strong, inclusive flexible bond where we all belong.
So welcome to my new site! Take a look around. Enjoy all the photos. Feel free to reach out to me or Susan Spiritus my art dealer, if you’re interesting in buying any photos to add to your collection. If you have any questions about my book, 10-Mile Radius, you can reach out to my publisher, Rare Bird Books. And you most certainly are welcome to reach out to me if you’d like to discuss a shoot or project you’re interested in hiring me for.
My blog Reframing Life is a vibrant place to share stories and ideas and art. A place to make friends and learn about other groovy things, people and happenings. And a place where on occasion I will share YOUR art and stories.
I’m excited to step in and get going. I hope you are too. Thanks so much for checking out my website. Keep your eyes peeled for more launches to come…
In friendship,